Data science, health metrics and disease modeling

Combining the power of advanced computation, data linkage and biological discovery to reduce the impact of current and burgeoning disease.

Groups / Projects Research Lead Dept / Centre
Disability, social mobility and the well-being of people with disabilities Centre for Health Equity
A health systems approach to an economic evaluation of nurse mentoring models in India Nossal Institute for Global Health
A Just Energy Transition Nossal Institute for Global Health
A novel approach to discovering genes associated with cancer risk from GWAS and EWAS data Project Leader Professor John Hopper Centre for Epidemiology and Biostatistics
A novel strategy for the early diagnosis of COPD in middle-aged adults Project leader Dr Jennifer Perret Melbourne School of Population and Global Health
Analysis of public health research in WHO Western Pacific Region Nossal Institute for Global Health
Analytical Methods for Big High-Dimensional Biomedical Data Professor Agus Salim Melbourne School of Population and Global Health
Biostatistics Unit Head Professor Julie Simpson
Melbourne School of Population and Global Health
Breast Cancer Unit Head Professor John Hopper
Centre for Epidemiology and Biostatistics
Centre for Health Policy
Children of Twins: The Effects of Parental Mental Health on Child Mental Health Outcomes Project Leader Doctor Katrina Scurrah Centre for Epidemiology and Biostatistics
Survey of Community Attitudes towards People with a Disability Professor Anne Kavanagh
Centre for Health Equity
Community energy resilience pilot project - Maldives Nossal Institute for Global Health
Continuous Professional Development Strategy for Primary Health Care nurses - Kiribati Nossal Institute for Global Health
Covid-19 Health Worker Voices Nossal Institute for Global Health
COVID-19 national situational assessment Professor James McCaw Melbourne School of Population and Global Health
Continuous Professional Development for Frontline Health Workers - Solomon Islands Nossal Institute for Global Health
Defying the Odds - Aboriginal early childhood health outcomes Indigenous Epidemiology and Health Unit Head Professor Sandra Eades Centre for Epidemiology and Biostatistics
Demography and Ageing Unit Unit Head Professor Jeromey Temple
Developing a self-sustaining financing strategy for SAMES Nossal Institute for Global Health
Development and validation of a health policy simulation model for cardiovascular disease Centre for Health Policy
Development and validation of a health policy simulation model for type 1 diabetes Centre for Health Policy
Disability Prevalence and Inequality Measures in Australia Dr George Disney Centre for Health Equity
Enhancing Gender Equality and Social Inclusion Results in Infrastructure in South Asia Nossal Institute for Global Health
Electric Power Innovation for a Carbon-free Society (EPICS) Center Nossal Institute for Global Health
Evaluation of RACS International Eye Health Programs Nossal Institute for Global Health
Program Evaluation: Pacific Health and Nutrition Nossal Institute for Global Health
Expenditures and prices of antihyperglycemic medications in the United States Centre for Health Policy
Family Health House Evaluation Nossal Institute for Global Health
Financing mechanisms for pandemic PPR in SA Region Nossal Institute for Global Health
Future Health Today (FHT) Centre for Health Policy
Gender Equality and Disability Inclusion Contextual Analysis Nossal Institute for Global Health
Harnessing the Potential of Regulatory Data to Improve the Regulation of Lawyers Project Leader Associate Professor Marie Bismark Centre for Health Policy
Health and Lifestyle Questionnaire Research Assistant Tessa Cutler Centre for Epidemiology and Biostatistics
Health Professional Education Market Assessment Nossal Institute for Global Health
Health Professional Education Market Assessment - Saudi Arabia Nossal Institute for Global Health
Health seeking behaviour in four Indian States Nossal Institute for Global Health
Health Star Rating (HSR) label impact on food formulation and consumer purchasing Professor Tony Blakely Centre for Epidemiology and Biostatistics
Health Systems Governance and Financing Nossal Institute for Global Health
Health systems strengthening - global learning program Nossal Institute for Global Health
High Dimensional Analytics Unit Head Dr Enes Makalic Centre for Epidemiology and Biostatistics
I CaRe WA - Indigenous Child Removals WA Indigenous Epidemiology and Health Unit Head Professor Sandra Eades Centre for Epidemiology and Biostatistics
ImPACT country reviews for cancer therapy in the Asia Pacific Nossal Institute for Global Health
Impact of COVID-19 on health workforce policy Nossal Institute for Global Health
Impact of COVID-19 on the sexual & reproductive health of vulnerable communities in Indonesia Nossal Institute for Global Health
Impact of Medicare Part D on income-related inequality in drug expenditure Centre for Health Policy
Improving child development outcomes: the role of WASH Nossal Institute for Global Health
Improving cost-effectiveness analysis of childhood vaccines Project Leader Dr Natalie Carvalho Centre for Health Policy
India Health Policy and Systems Research Fellowship Nossal Institute for Global Health
Infectious Disease Dynamics Unit Head Professor James McCaw
Centre for Epidemiology and Biostatistics
Integration of COVID-19 digital health technologies for infectious diseases Nossal Institute for Global Health
Law and Public Health Unit Unit Head Professor Marie Bismark
Linking young people with disability to participation through cycling: Implementation and evaluation of the co-designed Cyclink Program Centre for Health Policy
Men's Health Unit Head Professor John Hopper Centre for Epidemiology and Biostatistics
Modelling the effectiveness of employment policies in reducing disability-related mental health inequalities Zoe Aitken Centre for Health Equity
Novel statistical methodology for the analysis of medical data Unit Head Professor John Hopper Centre for Epidemiology and Biostatistics
Optimisation of Treatments for STIs: Pharmacokinetics Study (STI-PK project) Associate Professor | Deputy Head, Sexual Health Unit, Centre for Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Melbourne School of Population and Global Health A/Prof Fabian Kong Centre for Epidemiology and Biostatistics
Optimising Early Respiratory Support for Preterm Infants: The HIPSTER Trial Project Leader Dr Kim Dalziel Centre for Health Policy
PRedicting the population health economic IMpact of current and new CAncer Treatments (PRIMCAT) Project Leader Professor Maarten IJzerman Centre for Health Policy
PRedicting the population health economic IMpact of current and new CAncer Treatments (PRIMCAT) Centre for Health Policy
Primary health care service delivery redesign for the COVID 19 new normal Nossal Institute for Global Health
Protecting Non-COVID Essential Health Services-Indonesia Nossal Institute for Global Health
Psychosocial Disability and Employment Ms Alex Devine Centre for Health Equity
RACS – PIP End of Program Evaluation Nossal Institute for Global Health
RESPONSE Nossal Institute for Global Health
Rethinking Malaria Nossal Institute for Global Health
Saving Lives at Birth (SLAB) Nossal Institute for Global Health
Severe hypoglycaemia and Type 1 diabetes Centre for Health Policy
Sexual and Reproductive Health during COVID-19 (coronavirus) Centre for Epidemiology and Biostatistics
Social & Cultural Dimensions of Health Systems Head Professor Sumit Kane
Nossal Institute for Global Health
Strengthening Capacity to Design and Implement Energy Sector Projects Nossal Institute for Global Health
Strengthening the impact measurement of MMV investments Nossal Institute for Global Health
The ABACUS group Project Leader A/Prof Carolyn Nickson Centre for Epidemiology and Biostatistics
The Arthroplasty Surgical Antibiotic Prophylaxi (ASAP) Study Centre for Health Policy
The DOMINO Dataset Dr Sean Byars
Centre for Health Equity
The growth of linked hospital data use in Australia: a systematic review Centre for Health Policy
Australia-Indonesia Partnership for Pro-Poor Policy—The Knowledge Sector Initiative (KSI) Nossal Institute for Global Health
Twin and Family Registry Management Unit Head Professor John Hopper Centre for Epidemiology and Biostatistics
Twins Research Australia Unit Head Professor John Hopper
Centre for Epidemiology and Biostatistics
Understanding and Addressing Catastrophic Health Events in India Nossal Institute for Global Health
Understanding the drivers of trial efficiency Project Leader Dr Kim Dalziel Centre for Health Policy
Violence Against Women and Girls: Understanding the Indonesian health system response Nossal Institute for Global Health
Volatile Anaesthesia and Perioperative Outcomes Related to Cancer (Vapor-C Trial) Centre for Health Policy
WorkplaceAid: a trial on improving mental health and physical first aid skills in the workplace Project Leader Professor Anthony Jorm Centre for Mental Health and Community Wellbeing
YES: Youth Employment Study Professor Anne Kavanagh
Centre for Health Equity