Health System Strengthening
Research Overview
Our goal is to progress universal health coverage across the Asia Pacific region, and globally, supporting countries to improve equity in access to and utilisation of quality health services, while responding to changing health needs. We aim to do so through evidence generation, technical assistance and supporting capacity for health systems strengthening.
We undertake applied research to inform, monitor and evaluate health system strategies, programs and interventions, as well as those at the interface of health and other systems, at the local, national, regional and global levels. Our expertise is on systems thinking, with a focus on how health systems are governed and financed, how these aspects influence the design and operation of other aspects of the health system, its interaction with other systems, and the outcomes it achieves.
We bring an interdisciplinary perspective to our work, bringing together applied experience with academic principles, and forming teams with the combined expertise to address complex problems. Our applied researchers and advisors also bring a strong contextual knowledge to their work, based on long-term engagement with and/or residence in a number of countries (including Afghanistan, Australia, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Pacific Island countries and Vietnam).
We aim to:
- Undertake high quality applied research, with a focus on how systems are governed and financed to support human health and how this influences: the design and operation of other aspects of the health system, its interaction with other systems, and the outcomes it achieves.
- Generate evidence on what works, in what contexts for health systems strengthening to achieve universal health coverage, with a focus on equity for the poor, as well as gender equity and social inclusion.
- Translate evidence into the design and implementation of health and other systems’ policies, programs and research agendas through technical assistance.
- Noor Shah Kamawal, Technical Adviser
- Minhui Law,Technical Adviser
- Alison Macintyre, Senior Technical Adviser
- Dr Tiara Marthias, Lecturer in Global Health
Research Projects
- Australia-Indonesia Partnership for Pro-Poor Policy—The Knowledge Sector Initiative (KSI)
- Health systems strengthening - global learning program
- Improving child development outcomes: the role of WASH
- Health Professional Education Market Assessment
- PNG: Technical assistance through the ADB’s Health Services Sector Development Project
- Collaboration on One Health Economics Research for Systems
- Health Professional Education Market Assessment - Saudi Arabia
- Evaluating Global Fund innovation - focused programs in the Asia Pacific
- RACS – PIP End of Program Evaluation
- Protecting Non-COVID Essential Health Services-Indonesia
- Family Health House Evaluation
- ImPACT country reviews for cancer therapy in the Asia Pacific
- Analysis of public health research in WHO Western Pacific Region
- Evaluation: Nurse Colposcopy Training Model Pilot, Victoria, Australia
- Health Sector Review for Fiji
- Contracting out health services: a comprehensive review
School Research Themes
Prevention and management of non-communicable diseases (including cancer), and promotion of mental health, Data science, health metrics and disease modeling
Department / Centre
Nossal Institute for Global Health
Unit / Centre
MDHS Research library
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