Linking young people with disability to participation through cycling: Implementation and evaluation of the co-designed Cyclink Program

Project Details

One in 10 young Australians aged 5-18 years (~400,000) live with disability. They are less physically active and more socially isolated than their typically developing peers. Low physical activity and social isolation in young people with disability are harmful to health and contribute to high disease burden across the lifespan. Over 40% of Australian adults with disability aged 18-65 years, for example, rate their health as fair or poor, compared to <10% without disability. To address an evidence-to-practice gap, we will implement and evaluate a program that links children and young people with disability to participation, physical activity and social connectedness in their local community through cycling.

Project Duration





Research Group

School Research Themes

Data science, health metrics and disease modeling

Key Contact

For further information about this research, please contact the research group leader.

Department / Centre

Centre for Health Policy

MDHS Research library
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