Humanitarian Disability Needs Estimation and Screening Tool

Project Details

The Washington Group Short Set (WGSS) of questions are widely recommended for disability data collection in humanitarian action. Evidence shows there are particular challenges including the WGSS in assessments in the early response stage. The questions use activity limitations as a proxy for disability to allow the identification of people with disability and  provides no information on barriers or an individual's access or functioning needs.

Our aim is to develop a tool for use used in diverse humanitarian settings and data collection processes. The rapid screening tool will directly identify the majority of functioning support needs using as few questions as possible. This may be as a stand-alone tool, a screening tool, or in digital and paper based modular data collection tools.

The project will be implemented in the Philippines and Indonesia. Both countries have a high frequency of natural hazard driven disasters and are included in the Development Assistance Committee list of official development assistance (lower middle income) countries.


Dr Alex Robinson

Dr Manjula Marella



Humanitarian innovation fund - ELRHA

Research Group

Disability, Inclusion and Rehabilitation Designing disability-inclusive virtual healthcare

School Research Themes

Disparities, disadvantage and effective health care

Key Contact

For further information about this research, please contact the research group leader.

Department / Centre

Nossal Institute for Global Health

MDHS Research library
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