Sanjana Santosh

Sanjana Santosh

Thesis Title

Living with Major Illnesses in Urban India

Description of PhD project

Sanjana's doctoral research involves a study of how individuals and their families cope with major illnesses in urban India. It involves understanding the social costs of major illnesses in an urban context - the premise being that the mainstream literature in public health in LMICs has disproportionately focused on economic costs and has yet to fully unpack how urban contexts might complicate how individuals and families cope.


Sanjana is an interdisciplinary public health researcher from India and holds a Master's degree in Development from Azim Premji University, Bengaluru.

Previously, Sanjana has worked both as a development professional and a researcher in the areas of violence, maternal health, and health policy system research with several non-profit organizations and research institutes like the Public Health Foundation of India and Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics, Pune. She is experienced in qualitative research and her interests lie broadly in the fields of Public Health, Sociology, and Policy & Governance.



  • Melbourne Research Scholarship
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