Jack Ganbaatar

Thesis title

LGBTQI+ health disparities in Mongolia

Description of PhD Project

The LGBTQI+ community faces unique challenges  in Mongolia stemming from societal stigma an limited culturally sensitive health care resources. This PhD study will address LGBTQI+ health disparities  in order to promote inclusivity and achieve equitable healthcare access.


Associate Professor Meghan Bohren

Professor Cathy Vaughan


Dorjjantsan “Jack” Ganbaatar is a queer rights activist and public health researcher. He served as the health program coordinator at the first and only LGBT Centre in Ulaanbaatar for almost a decade, where he created and administered projects to close gaps in LGBTQI+ health rights. Jack has trained academics and practitioners on LGBTQI+ rights and health issues, including the medical staff of the National Mental Health Institute, the Mongolian National University of Medical Sciences, and the National University of Mongolia. Additionally, he is a consultant for the United Nations Free & Equal campaign and volunteers at LGBTQIA+ centers and programs around the world.

Jack received a medical degree in Mongolia and graduated from the University of Melbourne with a master’s degree in Public Health in 2021. Currently, he is enrolled in a PhD program at the University of Melbourne with a specific focus on the health disparities of the Mongolian LGBTQI+ community.


Human Rights Scholarship