Ilundi Tinga

Research Assistant

Ilundi Tinga has a strong interest in social issues and their impact on society with a particular interest in the concept of intersectionality, looking at how social issues interconnect.

Ilundi has lived in Mozambique, Australia, and South Africa. Her experiences as a mixed-race woman drive her interest in exploring topics related to racism including Black Lives Matter, intersectionality, representation, colonialism and cultural appropriation. As an undergraduate she wrote a column discussing these topics “Race Against the Odds” for the University of Melbourne’s magazine, Farrago.

Ilundi has a Bachelor of Arts from University of Melbourne with a double major in gender studies and screen and cultural studies. Ilundi recently completed her Master’s of Arts and Cultural Management, University of Melbourne.

As a research assistant with the Gender and Women’s Health team Ilundi will be supporting a discrimination research project.

Contact Ilundi Tinga