Research Groups
Allergy and Lung Health
The Allergy and Lung Health Unit is internationally recognised for conducting research into the genetic, molecular and environmental epidemiology of allergies, asthma and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD).
Twins Research Australia
Twins Research Australia is a national organisation open to all researchers to access. We undertake and support research involving twins to address priority health challenges facing Australians and global population.
Biostatistics is the discipline that underpins the use of statistical methods in the collection, preparation and analysis of data for research studies. It provides an essential foundation for much health research.
Breast Cancer
The Australian Breast Cancer Family Study (ABCFS), currently comprises data and biospecimens for 8,700 participants from 2,200 Australian families.
Colorectal Cancer
Colorectal cancer is the second most frequently diagnosed cancer and the second largest cause of cancer deaths in Australia.
Infectious Disease Dynamics
Infectious diseases pose a continuing threat to global public health, exemplified by the COVID-19 pandemic and its whole-of-society impacts. Our team develops and applies model-based methods in mathematical epidemiology and statistics to identify the key determinants of infectious disease transmission, project likely disease burden and identify high-impact surveillance and control strategies.
The NEU has developed novel methods of accessing unique preventive medicine data from large communities of people with MS utilising Web 2.0 platforms. It leads research into the potential for lifestyle-based preventive medicine approaches to reducing the disease burden of MS nationally and internationally.
Sexual Health
The Sexual Health Unit carries out research in sexual and reproductive health. We are internationally recognised experts in sexual health and sexually transmissible infections (STI) research and have national and international collaborations with experts from sexual health medicine, general practice, microbiology, mathematical modelling, economic evaluation and implementation science.
Indigenous Epidemiology and Health
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians face greater challenges in health than many other Australians. Research that draws on the strengths and knowledge of Indigenous peoples and communities present great opportunity to understand the pathways to health and wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people of all ages and to identify avenues for prevention of avoidable morbidity and mortality.
Population Interventions
Population and Global Health Informatics
Based in the Centre for Epidemiology and Biostatistics, the MSPGH Informatics Team supports a wide range of population and global health research Centre/School, collaborating Schools/Faculties, and external collaborators.
Malaria and Infectious Disease Epidemiology
Malaria elimination will save millions of lives over a generation and deliver regional economic benefits worth billions of dollars as well as strengthening Australia’s biosecurity.