Housing typologies and asthma in Victoria

Project Details

Asthma is a major contributor to Australia’s overall burden of disease. More than 11% of Australians have asthma, resulting in ~39,000 hospitalisations per year. In Australia asthma presentation is concentrated in ‘affordable’ housing, suggesting the strong role of social determinants in its causation. The objective of the project is to scope and design a research protocol for use in an application for funding. We will conduct a literature review to examine existing housing typologies in relation to asthma to audit and document the key attributes that contribute to it. A proposed framework will be tested by health practitioners and building scientists in a co-design process. In addition, we will scope and plan a protocol for combining Valuer General data on housing attributes and area-level health data on asthma in Victoria.


Selected publications

Howard, A., Mansour, A., Warren-Myers, G. et al. Housing typologies and asthma: a scoping review. BMC Public Health 23, 1766 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-023-16594-8


This project is funded by the Hallmark Research Initiative for Affordable Housing.

Project period

2021 – 2023


Adelle Mansour

Research Group

Key Contact

For further information about this research, please contact the research group leader.

Department / Centre

Centre for Health Policy

MDHS Research library
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