Lifestyle behaviours for management of multiple sclerosis

Project Details

REAL MS Wellness & Diet survey is an ongoing study conducted by Accelerated Cure for MS, that captures clincial, lifestyle, and health outcome data from an international population of people with MS. The overall aim is to understand how health and well-being for people with MS are affected by various diet and wellness practices.

Using this dataset, we showed associations between lifestyle behaviours and quality of life differ based on MS phenotype (Nag et al 2021). In a second study, we assess whether associaitions differ by MS duration. Understanding differences based on disease course may inform personalised strategies and timing of implementation for optimal health outcomes.

Masters research projects available to assess prospective associations between lifestyle behaviours and health outcomes in people with MS, with aim to add to evidence of lifetyle medicine for secondary prevention in MS.


Dr Nupur Nag, Principal Investigator

Ms Maggie Yu, Research Assistant

Dr Steve Simpson-Yap, Senior Epidemiologist


Ms Hollie Schmidt, VP of Scientific Operations, Accelerated Cure Project for Multiple  Sclerosis

Research Opportunities

This research project is available to Honours students to join as part of their thesis.
Please contact the Research Group Leader to discuss your options.

Research Outcomes

iConquerMS Research Projects:

Wellness and Diet, MS characteristics, and health outcomes.

Public oral presentation:

Chat with Chat - interview with Dr Nupur Nag, November 2022.

Research Publications

Nag N, Yu M, Jelinek G, Simpson-Yap S,  Neate S, Schmidt H.K. Associations between Lifestyle Behaviors and Quality of Life Differ Based on Multiple Sclerosis Phenotype. J. Pers. Med. 2021, 11, 1218.

Research Group


Faculty Research Themes


School Research Themes

Prevention and management of non-communicable diseases (including cancer), and promotion of mental health

Key Contact

For further information about this research, please contact the research group leader.

Department / Centre

Melbourne School of Population and Global Health

MDHS Research library
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