Dr Matthew Reeve
Senior Technical Advisor
Research Focus: Primary health care; Health systems; Maternal health
Matthew trained as a doctor and worked in public hospitals before focusing on public health, monitoring and evaluating complex programs, health program design, harm reduction in HIV high risk groups and maternal and child health.
He joined the Nossal Institute in 2010 as a project officer, providing technical support in monitoring and evaluating the Institute’s HIV prevention program in Northeast India. He has a MBBS from the University of New South Wales and a Master of Public Health from BRAC University, Bangladesh.
Career highlights include being technical advisor to one of Asia’s largest harm reduction programs for people who inject drugs, and identifying some of the first quantitative evidence that people with disabilities are at greater risk of injury during a disaster. Matthew’s teaching and training helps public health professionals, government and non-government staff get the knowledge and skills to design health programs and to advocate for policy change.