Health Technology Assessment

Health Technology Assessment (HTA) is a systematic process of evaluating the safety, clinical outcomes, and cost effectiveness of new and existing health technologies, including drugs, medical devices, procedures, and models of care.

Area lead

Dr Michelle Tew and A/Prof Chris Schilling

An understanding of cost and value of treatments is crucial for guiding health policies, programs and discovery. In Australia, economic evidence of value has played a prominent role in policy decisions for government subsidy of pharmaceuticals and medical services. Our Unit works in collaboration with the Australian Government providing health technology assessment services to inform decisions about the funding of medicines and medical services.

The HTA team forms part of the Melbourne Health Technology and Value Assessment Collaboration (M-VAC). The team undertakes evaluations and provides formal commentaries to inform funding decisions of medicines considered by the Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee (PBAC) and medical services considered by the Medical Services Advisory Committee.

Related research staff:

Professor Kim Dalziel, A/Prof Chris Schilling, Dr Michelle Tew, Dr Angela Devine , Mr Mackenzie Bourke, Mr Martin Vu, Ms Carolina Cortes Poblete, Mr Ameer Lambrias, Ms Florencia Sjaaf

Projects listing

Early health technology assessment / Early value assessment: Exploring health economic applications alongside clinical trials and discovery research

Selected publications

Bailey, C. Dalziel, K. Cronin, Devlin, N. and Viney, R. (2021).How are child-specific utility instruments used in decision-making in Australia? A Review of Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee (PBAC) Public Summary Documents.(1-26) PharmacoEconomics DOI:

Coomarasamy, A., Harb, H. M., Devall, A. J., Cheed, V., Roberts, T. E., Goranitis, I., Ogwulu, C. B., Williams, H. M., Gallos, I. D., Eapen, A., Daniels, J. P., Ahmed, A., Bender-Atik, R., Bhatia, K., Bottomley, C., Brewin, J., Choudhary, M., Crosfill, F., Deb, S., Duncan, W. C., … Middleton, L. J. (2020). Progesterone to prevent miscarriage in women with early pregnancy bleeding: the PRISM RCT. Health technology assessment (Winchester, England)24(33), 1–70.

Andronis, L., Goranitis, I., Bayliss, S., & Duarte, R. (2018). Cost-Effectiveness of Treatments for the Management of Bone Metastases: A Systematic Literature Review. PharmacoEconomics36(3), 301–322.

Rachaneni, S., McCooty, S., Middleton, L. J., Parker, V. L., Daniels, J. P., Coomarasamy, A., Verghese, T. S., Balogun, M., Goranitis, I., Barton, P., Roberts, T. E., Deeks, J. J., Latthe, P., & Bladder Ultrasound Study (BUS) Collaborative Group (2016). Bladder ultrasonography for diagnosing detrusor overactivity: test accuracy study and economic evaluation. Health technology assessment (Winchester, England)20(7), 1–150.

James, N., Pirrie, S., Pope, A., Barton, D., Andronis, L., Goranitis, I., Collins, S., McLaren, D., O'Sullivan, J., Parker, C., Porfiri, E., Staffurth, J., Stanley, A., Wylie, J., Beesley, S., Birtle, A., Brown, J., Chakraborti, P., Russell, M., & Billingham, L. (2016). TRAPEZE: a randomised controlled trial of the clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of chemotherapy with zoledronic acid, strontium-89, or both, in men with bony metastatic castration-refractory prostate cancer. Health technology assessment (Winchester, England)20(53), 1–288.

Schilling, C., Dowsey, M.M., Clarke, P.M. and Choong, P.F., 2016. Using patient-reported outcomes for economic evaluation: getting the timing right. Value in Health19(8), pp.945-950.

Schilling, C., Tew, M., Bunzli, S., Shadbolt, C., Lohmander, L.S., Balogh, Z.J., Paolucci, F., Choong, P.F., Dowsey, M.M. and Clarke, P., 2023. An Economic Model for Estimating Trial Costs with an Application to Placebo Surgery Trials. Applied health economics and health policy21(2), pp.263-273.

Bunzli, S., Choong, E., Shadbolt, C., Wall, L., Nelson, E., Schilling, C., Wilding, H., Lohmander, L.S., Balogh, Z.J., Paolucci, F. and Clarke, P., 2021. Placebo surgery controlled trials: do they achieve what they set out to do? A systematic review. Annals of Surgery273(6), pp.1102-1107.