The Australia New Zealand Health Intervention League Table (ANZ-HILT) is a world-first online interactive tool that allows users to compare interventions on their health gains (i.e. quality-adjusted life-years gained or disability-adjusted life-years averted), health systems costs, and cost-effectiveness.
ANZ-HILT specifically collates 100s of evaluations that have used the same methods as SHINE (e.g. the Assessing Cost-Effectiveness (ACE) program, the Burden of Disease Epidemiology, Equity and Cost Effectiveness program (BODE3) and Deakin Health Economics), allowing the user to make head-to-head comparisons of the health gains, net costs, and cost-effectiveness of interventions across domains of tobacco control, dietary interventions, mental health, and many more.
To learn more please visit the interactive ANZ-HILT website.