Finding the gaps in Australian Government funding support for SWAN children
Project Details
In Australia approximately 2500 children each year are born with a Syndrome Without a Name (SWAN) - a genetic condition so rare that it is often impossible to diagnose. 40 to 60 per cent may never be diagnosed.
Genetic conditions can result in complex medical conditions, cognitive and physical impairment, often requiring significant support. But how does an unknown condition or lack of diagnosis impact access to support? We are working with SWAN Australia to find out.
SWAN Australia provides support and advocacy for families of children with an undiagnosed or rare genetic condition. SWAN members have been reporting challenges in accessing government funding supports such as Centrelink payments and the National Disability Insurance Scheme.
We will survey parents or caregivers of SWAN children to learn about their experience in accessing and maintaining sufficient government funding support, and how this impacts on access to supports that enable health, inclusion and participation for these children and their families.
This information will be used by SWAN in their ongoing work and advocacy.
Max Thanh Le
Heather Renton, Syndromes Without a Name (SWAN) Australia
This project is being funded by the Melbourne Disability Institute at the University of Melbourne.
Research Group
Designing disability-inclusive virtual healthcare Disability Inclusion and Rehabilitation
School Research Themes
Disparities, disadvantage and effective health care
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Nossal Institute for Global Health
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