PhD Completion Seminar

"I'm proud of how far I've come. I'm just ready to work"

Australians with disabilities experience significantly poorer employment outcomes when compared to Australians without disabilities, with people with psychosocial disability experiencing some of the lowest levels of employment. Drawing on survey data from 369 respondents with disabilities engaged with the Disability Employment Services (DES) program, and, qualitative interviews conducted with 30 DES participants with psychosocial disability, this thesis explored the perspectives of these participants on whether and how their life circumstances influence and/or are influenced by their engagement with the DES program.

Alexandra is a researcher with the Nossal Institute for Global Health, Melbourne School of Population and Global Health. Her local and international research and technical assistance experience has a focus on working with people with disabilities to promote their participation in and benefit from disability  inclusive development. Her PhD Completion Seminar is on Monday 2 March at 9.30am at the Melbourne School of Population and Global Health.

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