Dylan Mordaunt

PhD Student, Research Assistant


Name: Dr Dylan Mordaunt
Email: damordaunt@student.unimelb.edu.au
Unit: Economics of Genomics and Precision Medicine Unit, Melbourne Health Economics
School: Melbourne School of Population and Global Health


Dylan’s PhD project is supervised by A/Prof Ilias Goranitis, Prof Zornitza Stark and Prof Kim Dalziel. The project will explore the economics of rare diseases– specifically, examining costs of genomic testing; examining the impact and benefits of genomic testing; and evaluating the use of genomic tests in a clinical setting.

Dylan undertook part of his clinical training in clinical and metabolic genetics at MCRI in 2015, prior to the metabolic unit moving over to RCH. Dylan completed his undergraduate study in Medicine at the University of Auckland, and later completed a dual Master of Public Health and Master of Health Management at the University of New South Wales.

Dylan continues to work as a paediatrician, clinical geneticist and health executive. Dylan’ prior research work has included economic evaluation of chromosomal microarray in autism, clinical epidemiology and health services research


  1. Santos Gonzalez, F., Mordaunt, D., Stark, Z., Dalziel, K., Christodoulou, J., & Goranitis, I. (2023). Microcosting diagnostic genomic sequencing: A systematic review. Genetics in Medicine, 25(6), 100829.
  2. Mordaunt, D. A., Dalziel, K., Goranitis, I., & Stark, Z. (2023). Uptake of funded genomic testing for syndromic and non-syndromic intellectual disability in Australia. European Journal of Human Genetics, 31(9), 977-979.
  3. Rahja, M., Laver, K., Mordaunt, D. A., Adnan, N., Vakulin, A., Lovato, N., & Crotty, M. (2023). “The Days Are Long But the Nights Are Even Longer”: A Mixed-Method Study of Sleep Disturbances Among Patients in an Inpatient Rehabilitation Program. Archives of Rehabilitation Research and Clinical Translation, 5(3), 100275.
  4. Mordaunt, D. A., Stark, Z., Gonzalez, F. S., Dalziel, K., & Goranitis, I. (2023). Development of a microcosting protocol to determine the economic cost of diagnostic genomic testing for rare diseases in Australia. BMJ Open, 13(11), e069441.
  5. Mordaunt, D. A., Gonzalez, F. S., Lunke, S., Eggers, S., Sadedin, S., Chong, B., ... Goranitis, I. (2023). The cost of proband and trio exome and genome analysis in rare disease: a micro-costing study.. Genetics in medicine : official journal of the American College of Medical Genetics, 101058.