Who cares? Taking care of the carers

Project Details

People with disability and informal carers are both recognised as populations that are prone to poor health and socioeconomic outcomes.  The prevalence of disability among primary carers in Australia is twice that of the non-caring population, however carers and people with disability are usually considered separately in health and social policy.  This research aims to characterise carers with disability and explore causal pathways underpinning the relationship between caring and disability, in order to identify factors that are amenable to intervention.


Professor Anne Kavanagh, Head of Disability and Health Unit, The University of Melbourne
Dr Tania King, Disability and Health Unit, The University of Melbourne

Research Group

School Research Themes

Disparities, disadvantage and effective health care

Key Contact

For further information about this research, please contact the research group leader.

Department / Centre

Centre for Health Equity

MDHS Research library
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