Engaging with the media is an important part of our research activity. Our staff are regularly interviewed about their research and regularly contribute to online media. Below is a selection of interviews and opinion pieces.
Reasonable and Necessary: A Kavanagh Series 4, Episode 2 (14 April 2020)
One in Five (Melbourne Disability Institute Podcast) features interviews with Zoe Aitken, Alex Devine, Stefanie Dimov
Disabling Ableism: How rethinking disability could improve lives – A Kavanagh, Eavesdrop on ExpertsSuicide in Health Professionals – A Milner, Medical Journal of Australia
Mental Health in the Workplace - A Milner, Hope Illuminated
Advocating for Accessibility - J Rachele, Inform Australia -
Opinion pieces
We need urgent COVID-19 vaccination for people with disability
Advice on protecting people with disability: No one left behind (OzSAGE guidelines)
New survey reveals disability stereotypes persist among Australians
Opening up when 80% of eligible adults are vaccinated won’t be ‘safe’ for all Australians
Vulnerable Australians forgotten in the race to re-open
"What do Australians really think about ...?"
Domestic violence settings need training in disability access
NDIS Independent Assessments are off the table for now - that's a good thing
Home health aides, other welfare support workers could face elevated risk of suicide
The NDIS is fighting a trust deficit. Its future depends on putting this right
NDIS Independent Assessments are off the table for now
Disabled young women face double the risk of sexual violence
Disability royal commission presented with ‘alarming’ violence statistics
COVID-19 vaccine rollout for Australians living with disability needs clarity, experts say
Young people are making their way through COVID-19
Freedom lost: the generation coming of age in Australia's pandemic-fuelled recession
Australian disability homes at risk of COVID-19 exposure, royal commission hears
Looming COVID-19 emergency in disability support homes
Australia’s COVID-19 response and people with disability
The young Australians hit hard during COVID-19
Protecting people with disability during a pandemic
COVID-19 can reframe health politics
People with disabilities are most likely to die from coronavirus, but we can reduce the risks
Urgent calls for action to protect people with disability during COVID-19 pandemic
Targeted COVD-19 response for people with disability
Health data saves lives: We need to be using it better
Does disability policy really offer choice and control?
Brilliant, generous, loving: Fellowship created in honour of esteemed professor
'Sometimes train drivers forget you': How to make Melbourne a more inclusive city for people with disabilities
Making Australia's most liveable city more inclusive
Disability, employment and inequity: it’s time to do more than the bare minimum,‘Nothing about us, without us’: Working to make the City of Melbourne more inclusive
Why housing is a major public health issue for people with disabilities
Is life getting better or worse for people with disabilities?
Disability, thoughts of suicide and Australian men
Disabled teens suffering the mental health effects of bullying
Making disability support work across real lives
Breaking gender stereotypes. Early.
Why all jobs aren't equal for people with disabilities
Disability, discrimination and health
People with disability have a lot to offer employers
Underemployment and mental health
Collaboration to support excellence in disability research
Segregating the disabled is unacceptable
Teenagers who are both bully and victim are more likely to have suicidal thoughts
What's the verdict on Labour's Health Summit?
Fighting for disabled people’s health
The gender pay gap is harming women's health
Unemployed and at risk, more help needed for those out of work
Why society is making people with disabilities sick
Violence against people with disability matters -
People with disability concerned as Australia opens up (RN Life Matters, 4/11/21)
Fears disabled Australians are being left behind as the country plans to open up (RN Breakfast, 17/9/21)
Wage theft and poor pay among workers with disabilities, royal commission hears
The risk of COVID to people with disability, RN Breakfast, 20/8/20
COVID-19 and people with disability, Anne Kavanagh, ABC Local Radio, 17/3/2020
Targeted action for people with disability, Anne Kavanagh, ABC TV News, 16/3/2020
Urgent calls for action to protect people with disability during coronavirus pandemic, Croakey 16/3/2020
Housing affordability, disability and election promises, Zoe Aitken, ABC News Radio
How do we shift attitudes on employment and disability? Allison Milner on Life Matters, Radio National
Melbourne Disability Institute with Anne Kavanagh, 774 AM Jon Faine, ABC MelbourneMen under 44 in blue collar jobs at highest risk of suicide, Allison Milner, Radio National