Zhoufeng Ye

Better predicting breast cancer risk through a novel automated mammography-based measure: Cirrus

Zhoufeng Ye

Principle supervisor: Prof. John Hopper
Co-supervisors: Dr Gillian Dite, Dr Shuai Li, and Dr Kevin Nguyen

This project aims to explore the causes of the variance of a fully automated measure of the textural features of mammograms (named Cirrus) by identifying the personal and lifestyle risk factors for breast cancer that account for the variance in Cirrus and determining the genetic variance of Cirrus. The project will then identify the extent to which Cirrus attenuates the personal and lifestyle risk factors’ associations with breast cancer. Three datasets, Australian Breast Cancer Family Study, Melbourne Collaborative Cohort Study, and Australian Mammographic Density Twins and Sisters Study, will be used to explore the answers to questions of our interest.

PhD scholarship title and funding body: China Scholarship Council - University of Melbourne PhD Scholarship funded by China Scholarship Council and University of Melbourne