Workplace design for the Australian residential aged care workforce

Project Details


This research explored residential aged care (RAC) workplace design features that influence how RAC staff feel valued, productive, safe, like they belong and connected. A secondary aim was to validate emerging themes about RAC design features with stakeholders.

Key Expertise Provided:

  • Bridging gap between research and practice: literature review of the influence of spatial design on aged care health workforce practices
  • Evidence informed practice: conducting research to building the evidence about what influence spatial design has on aged care staff.
  • Research Translation: Working with International Design forms and residential aged care facilities to utilise evidence into practice


  • Literature review
  • Photo elicitation
  • Qualitative interviews and focus group discussion


This is research has identified key workplace design features that matter to RAC staff in a ‘shared workspace’. The increasing demands upon RAC require evidence-based workplace design policy, models and evaluation approaches that support RAC staff to work in RAC shared workspaces.

Research Publications

Naccarella, L; Newton, C; Pert, A; Seemann, K; Williams, R; Sellick, K; Dow, B. (2018). Workplace design for the Australian residential aged care workforce. Australasian Journal on Ageing.DOI;10.111/ajag.12493

Research Group

Key Contact

For further information about this research, please contact the research group leader.

Department / Centre

Centre for Health Policy

MDHS Research library
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