Skills for employment for i-Kiribati with disability

The Nossal Institute is supporting people with disability in Kiribati gain access to vocational training and skills development to strengthen employment pathways.

Promoting employment pathways for people with disability requires equitable access to lifelong learning, including Technical and Vocational Education and Training. The Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade is working in partnership with the Kiribati Ministry of Employment and Human Resource, and managing contractor Scope Global, to implement the Skills for Employment Program (SfEP). SfEP aims to develop the Kiribati Institute of Technology (KIT) as a demand-driven and inclusive training provider for the domestic, regional and international labour markets.

The Nossal Institute provides technical advice to support disability inclusion within the SfEP program, by working with KIT and local partners Te Toa Matoa, the Kiribati Deaf Association, and the Kiribati School and Centre for Children with Special Needs, to develop and implement a Disability Support Plan to improve access for people with disability to KIT.

Alongside raising disability awareness amongst for staff, students and partners, the Disability Support Plan is delivering IT classes for people with vision impairment, construction classes for students who are Deaf, and Sign language training for staff and the public. These initiatives are increasing the inclusion of students with disability in all KIT courses and are contributing to meaningful employment pathways and life outcomes for all i-Kiribati.

Photo: Kiribati Deaf Association members and KSCCSN staff receiving certificates for completion in KIT’s short construction course.

For more information see: Kiribati Institute of Technology and

More Information

Alexandra Devine

+61 3 8344 1632