Nossal facilitates UNESCAP Asia and the Pacific disability workshop

Dr Alex Robinson and Dr Liem Nguyen from the Nossal Institute’s Disability Inclusion team recently facilitated a 2 day workshop on disability data for the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP), Bangkok.

Collecting comparable disability data presents a number of challenges for governments with different definitions and approaches used in different countries. The workshop brought together national disability focal points and representatives of National Statistical Offices from 17 ESCAP member states stretching from Azerbaijan to the Marshall Islands.

The workshop reflected on the challenges and successes countries have experienced in collecting disability data for reporting on implementation of the Incheon Strategy to ‘Make the Right Real’ for Persons with Disabilities in Asia and the Pacific. The Incheon Strategy, under the coordination of ESCAP, provides a road map to implement the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and is the first initiative of its kind globally. Reporting against Incheon Strategy indicators can also benefit Asia and the Pacific governments by assisting reporting on progress towards disability inclusion under the Sustainable Development Goals and related international frameworks.

‘I’ve learnt more about disability in the last two days than I have in the last twenty years.’ - Government Official

The workshop formed part of a three year collaboration between the Nossal Institute and ESCAP’s Social Development Division to provide technical assistance to ESCAP members states on collecting comparable disability data, analysis and application. This work was supported by the government of the Republic of Korea. The workshp will contribute to a compilation of current national good practices on disability data to be published at the end of 2018.

Pictured: Delegates at the ESCAP Workshop.

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Alex Robinson
