10 years working with the Uttarakhand Cluster

The Community Health Global Network - Uttarakhand Cluster recently celebrated 10 years at an event in Dehradun, India.  The chief Guest, Mr Mann (MLA for Uttarakhand) spoke about the importance of the NGO sector working closely with the Government health system.  A/Prof Nathan Grills from the Nossal Institute spoke about the history and effectiveness of working together to bring health care to the margins.

The Nossal Institute (Prof Peter Deutschmann and A/Prof Nathan Grills), with support from Australian Aid and NHMRC, helped establish this collaborative network in 2008.  Since then the Nossal has undertaken research with the Cluster on disability, tobacco control, social network analysis, mental health and evaluations of community health training. This collaboration has generated more than 15 publications and contributed to improving health across the state of Uttarakhand.  We have trained more than 11 key Cluster leaders in Australia, including the current president Mrs Madhu Singh and secretary Mr Robert Kumar.

If you require further information on the Uttarakhand Cluster and its activities then please contact Nathan Grills (ngrills@unimelb.edu.au)