Physical rehabilitation evidence, standards, and their impact on health and society

Project Details

The Nossal Institute is strengthening health and rehabilitation coverage for persons with disabilities in Bangladesh by building capacity among civil society actors to understand, generate and use quality evidence. This two and a half year project is contributing to improving the quality of rehabilitation services in Bangladesh by developing a better understanding of disability prevalence, coordination and access to services. The Evidence and standards related to physical rehabilitation with an impact on health and social development outcomes project is one component of a large Government of Bangladesh and World Bank program scaling up access to rehabilitation services.

As part of this work the Institute has led the design, technical approach, analysis and dissemination of an implementation of WHO’s Assistive Product Assessment Tool (needs module) on more than 4000 adults in Bangladesh to understand sociodemographic and systemic barriers to assistive product services. Findings are being used to guide decision making on policy, procurement and distribution decisions.

Research Group

Disability, Inclusion and Rehabilitation Designing disability-inclusive virtual healthcare

School Research Themes

Disparities, disadvantage and effective health care

Key Contact

For further information about this research, please contact the research group leader.

Department / Centre

Nossal Institute for Global Health

MDHS Research library
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