Technology-facilitated gender-based violence
Project Details
Technology-facilitated gender-based violence is an act of violence that is committed and amplified through the use of information and communications technologies, other digital technologies or in digital spaces, against a person based on gender. Cyberviolence, online sexual harassment and threats, technology-facilitated coercive control, image-based abuse, revenge porn, and doxing are just a few of the names given to acts that may be technology-facilitated gender-based violence (TF GBV).
This qualitative research project aims to fill a knowledge gap for governments and service providers in Asia by increase understanding of TF GBV across the region.
We will be examining:
- stakeholders’ highest priorities in relation to TF GBV;
- how TF GBV is currently understood and measured in the region; and
- what strategies are being used to prevent and respond to TF GBV in Asia.
We will be conducting focus group discussions with key stakeholders in the region, including with practitioners, policy makers and advocates from women’s service providers, civil society organisations, professional associations, government, and legal services to better understand the issue and identify strategies to respond to the explosion in TF GBV.
The next phase of primary research will commence in 2024, which will consist of in-depth case studies on TF GBV in Bangladesh, Indonesia and Vietnam.
United Nations Population Fund, Asia Pacific Regional Office
Research Group
Women's HealthSchool Research Themes
Disparities, disadvantage and effective health care
Key Contact
For further information about this research, please contact the research group leader.
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