COVID-19 and disability settings: Lessons from Victoria’s second wave

The study provides important insights into the challenges experienced by staff working in Victorian disability residential settings in the second wave of Victoria’s COVID-19 pandemic.

Despite the recognised risks of outbreaks in these settings early in the pandemic, there were  outbreaks in over 50 disability group homes in Victoria’s second wave between late June and October 2020. Our latest report summarises the key issues experienced by managers of disability residential settings during Victoria’s COVID-19 outbreak in June-October 2020.

We interviewed senior managers, team leaders and disability support workers about how they managed outbreaks of COVID-19 in disability residential care in 2020.

We asked them about accessing information, communication within their organisation, COVID-19 training, access to Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), testing and contact tracing.

Read the key findings and the full report here

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Kavanagh A, Dickinson H, Devine A, Dimov S & Huska M. (2021): Managing COVID-19 outbreaks in disability residential settings: Lessons from Victoria's second wave of COVID-19. Melbourne: The University of Melbourne.