Jurisdictional Snapshots


The snapshots include analysis of measures on eye health and access to eye care services for Indigenous Australians at both jurisdictional and Primary Health Network level.

Jurisdictional Snapshots

Indigenous Eye Health at Melbourne University have prepared jurisdictional snapshots of some of the key data available in the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW)'s annual Indigenous Eye Health Measures and other publicly available data sources.

The snapshots include analysis of measures on eye health and access to eye care services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians at both jurisdictional and regional levels.

The latest AIHW report demonstrates that progress is being made. However, more work is needed to address a range of inequities to end avoidable blindness and vision loss for First Nations Australians.

Comment, questions, or requests for additional information are welcome. Please email Indigenous-EyeHealth@unimelb.edu.au

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