Training manuals & learning materials

At the Nossal Institute, we believe open access to knowledge is a cornerstone of achieving health equity. Our knowledge products are translational outputs stemming from our global health research, practice and education activities. Sharing examples of these outputs and practical tools is intended to offer resources that others draw on in their own practice. We encourage everyone to explore, utilise, and disseminate these resources.

Training manuals and learning materials are resources and tools to support educators and learners.

Use the arrows to sort the table data by column.

Title Collaborator Practice Area Date created
Disability-inclusive health services training package pdf (1.2 MB)
Companion training package to the Disability-Inclusive Health services Toolkit: A resource of health facilities in the Western Pacific region.
World Health Organization  Equity and Inclusion 2022 
Knowledge and awareness raising for female goat farmers pdf (3.7 MB)
Facilitator’s guide for health knowledge and awareness raising for Project LS-2018-105: Enhancing small ruminant production to benefit farming families in Sindh and Punjab.
Anna Barrett and Aik Saath Small Ruminants Project.  One Health 2022 
Livestock health and husbandry pdf (46.0 MB)
Livestock health and husbandry fact sheets for Project LS-2018-105: Enhancing small ruminant production to benefit farming families in Sindh and Punjab (English, Urdu, and Sindhi)
Aik Saath Small Ruminants Project, Rebecca Doyle, and Angus Campbell  One Health 2022 
Livestock health and husbandry for female goat farmers in Sindh and Punjab pdf (46.9 MB)
Facilitator’s guide for health knowledge and awareness raising for Project LS-2018-105: Enhancing small ruminant production to benefit farming families in Sindh and Punjab.
Anna Barrett and Aik Saath Small Ruminants Project.  One Health 2022 
Sport, community, and social Inclusion - Online seminar with short lectures
Ramon Spaaij, Karen Block, and Adele Pavlidis et al. Equity and Inclusion 2023 
Washington Group questions disability learning brief pdf (1020.8 KB)
Learning brief for using Washington Group questions on disability data in development programs.
The Nossal Institute for Global Health, and Inclusion Advisory Group of CBM Global Disability Inclusion  Equity and Inclusion 2023 
Preparing Actionable Data for Inclusive Shelter pdf (408.8 KB)
Disability data workshop handbook
Alex Robinson, Robbie Dodds and Abner Manlapaz  Equity and Inclusion 2024