CHP PhD Confirmation Seminar - Kerry Hwang

Investigating factors and barriers to healthcare access and utilisation in older culturally and linguistically diverse Australians.

Presenter: Kerry Hwang
Date and time: Wednesday 3rd of March, 1pm-2pm

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Supervisors: Associate Professor Jeromey Temple, Associate Professor Bianca Brijnath, Associate Professor Dina LoGiudice

Access to primary healthcare is critical for healthy ageing, and to allow older Australians to continue living in the community. However older Australians from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CaLD) backgrounds face unique and multifaceted barriers to primary healthcare access. While Australian studies have reported the factors and barriers to primary healthcare, they are unmeasured and are often small scaled, making it unclear the extent of the problem in older CaLD Australians. This makes it difficult to evaluate and plan healthcare practice and policy for this ageing cohort.

This quantitative thesis will use nationally representative datasets to measure the multifaceted factors and barriers related to primary healthcare access and barriers in older CaLD Australians living in the community. Anticipated findings will provide a clearer understanding of the primary healthcare inequities facing older CaLD Australians and have the potential to inform policy and practice to help older CaLD Australians age successfully.

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