'Share Your Story': Community Adapted Health Promotion Supports Local Ownership

image 1. man having an eye check. image 2 share your story logo.

In 2015 Indigenous Eye Health (IEH) took an iterative, engaging, community-driven process to develop eye health promotion branding, messages and resources focusing on promoting awareness on diabetes eye care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Community consultations were undertaken in selected regions, partly because of their progress in implementing the Roadmap to Close the Gap for Vision (‘Roadmap’) where eye care service improvements were being implemented.

‘Check Today, See Tomorrow’ diabetes eye care resources were developed with three regions across Australia. This 'behind the scenes' video helps to capture the creative process used in the three regions involved in the development of the powerful 'by community, for community' strengths-based approach.

When developing the ‘Check Today, See Tomorrow’ branding, the design was considered to allow local and regional adaptations. IEH encourages the widespread use of, and local community adaptations of the ‘Check Today, See Tomorrow’ resources, messages and related illustrations to raise awareness on diabetes eye care.

The latest story from the ‘Share Your Story’ initiative - ‘Community Adapted Health Promotion Supports Local Ownership’ explores the process of communities across Australia adapting the ‘Check Today, See Tomorrow’ resources to increase local ownership and awareness of diabetes eye care.

View full Story Read more on 'Share Your Story'

If you have any questions or for further information please contact IEH, Indigenous-EyeHealth@unimelb.edu.au or call (03) 8344 9320.