Governtment submissions

Policy documents that cite Dr Bridget Pratt's work

The three guidance documents below are the main ethics guidance documents for health systems research globally. The Research in Gender and Ethics (RinGs) network galvanises gender and ethics analysis across 4 health systems research consortia (23 institutions in 26 countries). Their membership spans 62 research organisations, government bodies, and donors across 26 countries.

  1. RinGs (2015) The ethics of HSR: Selected guidelines and studies
  2. RinGs  (2018) Day-to-day dilemmas: An ethical guide for health systems researchers.
  3. WHO. (2019) Ethics of health policy and systems research.

The ethical toolkit for sharing power with communities when setting research agendas that I developed during my “Ethics & equity: Implications for health systems research priority-setting” DECRA project is used as a case example and other articles from my DECRA project are cited in:

4. Nuffield Council of Bioethics. (2019). Research in global health emergencies: Ethical issues.
5. UK National Institute of Health Research. (2019) A Resource Guide for Community Engagement and Involvement in Global Health Research. This document is supplied to all grant seekers and awardees for the NIHR Global Health Research Programme.

Current Collaborators

  1. Julius Centre for Global Health, Utrecht University (Visiting Appointment)
  2. University of Cape Town
  3. Institute of Public Health, Bangalore (India)
  4. Ethox Centre, University of Oxford
  5. Kenya Medical Research Institute
  6. SCUBY consortium (
  7. SPOT-impact consortium (