ARC grant awarded to Stuart Kinner

Led by Professor David Preen, The University of Western Australia.

Professor Stuart Kinner, Justice Health Unit (CHE) and A/Professor Matthew Spittal, Mental Health Policy and Practice (CMH), (ARC Discovery Projects 2019) – “Improving social and economic outcomes for children of incarcerated mothers” ($427,234.00, 2019-2021)

This project aims to identify how children’s experiences of maternal incarceration shape their life course. These children are one of the most vulnerable yet invisible groups in society and are rising in number. This project intends to interrogate system contact with child protection, justice, education and health agencies using a unique linked dataset across 30 years and over three generations, to describe social and economic outcomes and how prison, child and maternal characteristics affect them. The project expects to provide critical evidence that can inform prevention strategies, with the potential to disrupt intergenerational patterns of profound disadvantage and reduce the social and economic costs of maternal incarceration to individuals and society.

More Information

Ruth Hentschel

+61 3 8344 4037